Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Chapter 4 #all about the nightmare

This post is dedicated to my stunning reader @GAlTerkait <3

I have dreamt that shahad and I were in Thailand, It was the best summer vacation we have ever had.. but this wasn't amazing until today had came..We have reserved for a journey to Safari World and it was at 8:30 in the morning, which was quiet difficult to wake up shahad because she's a bit of a heavy sleeper, So after the Journey we were on our way back to the hotel and It was almost dark..which was kinda dreadful:( and suddenly a truck crushed to the taxi and all I saw was  DARKK striking my eyes and I heard shahad talking with a slow voice : أشهد أن لا اله الا الله و أشهد أن محمدا عبده و رسوله
someone was shaking me so hard and I was feeling their hands..
someone that interrupted my dream and haven't gave me a space to continue my dream..
....: Ghailya 7abebte,shfeech ya yuma lel7eench etshoufeen hal kabouss?
....: Haya*maid*, go call dr.fares please!!!
Ghailya: mama shfeech,ana mafene shay bes shft hal kabous elkhayes ow kan 3an wafat shahad, She's alive..let me call her!! *laughing*
Mama: 7abebte ghailya *tears were falling gently from her cheeks*
Ghailya: mama shfeech, lesh tabcheen?
Mama: la mafene, Dr.fares need to see you..yallah get dressed up and go down stairs he's waiting for you.
Ghailya: okay!

While I was dressing up, I was questioning myself..
'' this was the first time I see this nightmare, what happened to mama?''
''lesh mama kanat tabche?''
''My dream was a nightmare, but for sure everything is fine..right?''
''Who the hell is Dr.fares?''
''A9lan why do I actually need a doctor?''
''I'm neither sick or insane?''

Those question were kept in my brain without an answer, I really need to have a conversation with the doctor, I might find my answers!!

Dr.Fares: Salam Ghaliya *shaking hands*
Ghaliya: ow 3aleekum elsalam doctor *nervous*
Dr.Fares: so Ghaliya, do you remember me? *gazing deep into my eyes*
Ghaliya: nope, do I? *got confused*
Dr.Fares: Umm, maybe no and maybe yes, so ghaliya your mum told me you had an awful nightware..I'm interested to know some details about your nightmare, may I?

*Ghaliya's point of view*

ehwa yay lee 3and baitna 3ashan ysm3 my nightmare?

shnu hatha? is he insane or what?

Actually the nightmare isn't true because it is JUST A DREAMMM!!

wai3 shakle mara7 alga the answers to my questions.. he's such a jerk..

Ghaliya: doctor, excuse me.. you're just wasting my time, you came all the way here just to know some details about my nightmare? what kind of doctor you are? are you stu....

Mum interrupted: Ghailya, stop this attitude!!!
Ghailya: but mum, I don't need a doctor!!
Dr.fares: but Ghaliya, you cannot decide whether you need it or not because its not your job,its mine!
Ghailya: LA WALL...
Mum interrupted again: GHALIYA, stop being a child and act like a grown up lady because this doctor wants to help you, so whatever he asks you,you need to do it!!! understood?
Ghailya: yessss *hufff*
Dr.Fares: thankyou, now can I know some details about your nightmare?
Ghailya: okay.. I told him all about the nightmare from A-Z.

*Dr.Fares point of view*

the notes I have noted down when Ghailya was talking about her nightmare was just a shocking moment and I have had that click which was between reality and dream!!

She really need a treatment and as soon as possible...

Ghailya: so doctor, what's my diagnosed?
Dr.Fares: well ghailya, I need to do some research and when I'm done..I'll call you!!
Ghailya: okay then,nice to meet you..bye!!

Ghailya left the living room..

To be continued.

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